Governing the Commons, Las Vegas Edition

Las Vegas Downtown area revival, Fremont Street, has been in part due to the management of common spaces in the pedestrian mall zone. The original 2011 ordinance set distance requirements between performers. However, the high enforcement costs in determining distances and ownership of locations without means to resolve disputes created an atmosphere of intimidation, violence, and uncertainty.

A 2015 Amendment to the ordinance resolved this conflict by creating a lottery system for designated performance space for 2 hour time slots. To account for lower demand at off times or days, spaces that are unoccupied may be taken on a first come first serve basis should there be no lottery owner or the owner fails to appear. This provided a record of reference to resolve disputes as well turned common spaces into specific, semi-private property spaces with limited ownership.

This is space 14.


Enforcement is mandated, and fees for performance are granted, to a limited liability company responsible for maintaining the space in accordance with Las Vegas Municipal Code. The LLC must pay a portion of its proceeds to the city. This a layered governance that allows flexibility at the local level.

To lookup upcoming performances, go here and enter 14 for the space number.
Amendment to LVMC 11.68